The lottery teaches us very important lessons about winning, excess, and mortgaging your house on Powerball tickets in hopes of living the American Dream. If you think your life wouldn't change because of winning then you are either; filthy rich already, just heard from your doctor that you have 12 hours to live, or believe O.J. Simpson is innocent. Millions of dollars will change you, trust me, I want to know. I overheard a lottery discussion the other day while sleeping at my desk and I thought this would be a fun exercise to really delve into the details. I've always talked about it on the surface but never obsessed about it. I think obsession for this topic is important, especially since I plan on winning the lottery. A man has to have goals in life.
So let's say I won. First things first, how would I quit my job? For the overwhelming majority of Americans who work there's always that sense of worry upon quitting; bridging the financial gap between jobs, getting vacation paid out, or double checking the corporate 401k for a vested status. Imagine no financial burden upon resignation, how would you quit? So many options and so little time. There's the option of making a huge scene during peak work hours. Get everyone's attention with a bullhorn, air your grievances, then politely drop your pants and urinate on your laptop while it's plugged in so everyone can see it short circuit. O.K., that's a little too aggressive and involves an inevitable lawsuit. The last person you want to give your money to is the company you work for. Plus people might be laughing for unintended reasons when you drop your pants.
There is a super stealth mode that yields greater satisfaction. The object is to treat the day you are quitting no different than any other day except for the fact that you now have an offensive amount of money in your bank account. Come into work, turn on the office lights, fire up the laptop, and grab your coffee. Be sure to answer emails and drop a few phone calls to let everyone know you are around. When the clock strikes noon, tell all your co-workers that you have to "run an errand". Promptly throw on your jacket, walk out the door, change your home number, change your cell number, and never talk to another co-worker again for the rest of your life. Leave them all guessing. I take so much pleasure in the thought of doing this. I know, I'm sick. It's hard to type in a straight-jacket using only your nose to hit the keypad.
Shewww...quitting was fun, now I have the rest of my life. Based on projections from life-insurance actuaries I have approximately 45 years left in me. Here's my list in no particular order:
- Learn Italian
- Learn Spanish
- Learn Japanese
- Hit all 50 states in a cross-country trip with my golf clubs
- Join a country club
- Take piano lessons
- Take saxophone lessons
- Take golf lessons
- Take boxing lessons
- Become a black belt in Jeet Kune Do
- Attend the Superbowl every year
- Attend the Final 4 every year
- Attend the Masters every other year
- Go camping in Alaska
- Get into insane shape, run a sub 5 minute mile
- Write a book
- Write a screenplay
- Go to film school
- Make a documentary
- Make a short-film
- Try a stint as a late night D.J.
- Create my own cable access show
- Buy a lake house, give all immediate family members a key
- Buy a beach house, give all immediate family members a key
- Start a foundation to help consumers battle debt
- Give an obscene amount of money to my high school
- Give a little bit of money to my college
- Become a venture capitalist for my friends and family