O.K., let’s face it, what I don’t know about DC could fill up DC itself.

Hey, there's that thing-a-ma-bob I was talking about!
I am from Northern Virginia, lived here all my life. People ask me where I’m from and I immediately answer, “Outside of DC” because chances are that more people have heard of “Outside of DC” than “Oakton”. Then the conversation naturally spins into politics, museums, or the Mystics. And as quickly as the conversation starts, it ends. The sad reality is that I don’t know squat about the city right next door. All these years and I am rarely tempted to head “downtown”.
The ones who take full advantage of what the city has to offer are not from this area. It’s a transient town based on the politics. The one thing that will not change about DC is how it is guaranteed to change at least every four years. Right now, there are so many people packing up boxes to move here based on the new administration. These are the same people who will be able to school me on DC knowledge inside of the first five months of their stay. It should upset me. I should be humiliated. The sad part is, I’m not.
There’s no reason for a local to visit DC if you don’t work or live there. Yes, the museums rock; Air & Space, Natural Gallery of Art, Spy Museum, etc. But that’s about it. The city is humming 9 to 5 on a weekday. But the weekends? Forget it. It looks like Times Square in “Vanilla Sky”. Hell, the Washington Redskins aren’t even located downtown.

Let's party! Hello? I said, let's party!
Don’t be angry with me for my ignorance. There are thousands of others just like me who will be comfortably nestled in the suburbs watching the inauguration on TV. Seeing one of the biggest events on the grandest stage on a flat screen.
I need to ride this new wave of hope that is flooding the city and get my ass downtown. If change is going to happen, it has to come from within. I’m looking at the man in the mirror. But for now, I need to get to a non-looted Circuit City store and buy a flat screen.
Corp Joe,
You need to get off your couch and off your laptop, and see the world.
First it starts with "well, I don't travel outside of the U.S. much", then it becomes "well I don't go to DC very much." Next it will be "I don't make it outside of Oakton much"...next you will be useless for even information about your local strip mall.
Get out and about -- there is an entire world to see out there (as you can probably gather from CNN's 24-hour coverage).
You're right! I'm going to do it.
As soon as I shed these 700 extra cumbersome pounds.
But first, I need to finish "The Sopranos" DVD series, then "Deadwood", then "Big Love", then "Oz".
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