Friday, August 28, 2015

In Plenty of Crunch Time

Presentation and demo to the client. Big day. The culmination point of four weeks of work into a one hour meeting. Me and my co-workers have it down pat. Just a little pre-game practice before the big show. Get our bearings straight. I will arrive at the office a few hours in advance. Plenty of time, more than enough.

Traffic sucks. Stand-still on the beltway. Not good. Is that smoke? Is something on fire!?  Here come the sirens. Stop rubber-necking. It’s just a two car fender bender. Okay, a three car pileup. But still, I’m sure everyone is okay.

C'mon people. I got places to be!

I’m here. Lost an hour but still plenty of time. Time to find my co-workers. Not here. Stuck in the same traffic. I’ll start printing the handouts. Run 12 copies to the printer. Click.

Oh, here are my co-workers. All that traffic made everyone hungry. Grab a quick lunch at the deli. It’s only a few blocks away. Stop by the printer. No print job. I just sent 12 copies to another building we work at downtown. Print it out again when I get back.

The Deli is packed. The special of the day is wait your turn with a side of chips. Order based solely on speed not flavor. Chicken salad. Already made. Slap it on the bread. Everyone have food? Good, let’s go.

Yes, I had the chicken salad. Here, in the back. Order number 7,862.
Okay, that took longer than expected. No biggie, several hours to get through this. List of logistics to check off before the big show. Run 12 copies of the presentation to the printer before we get started. Select a printer that is actually in this building.

Phone rings. The client. They invited another person. This person will not be able to make it on-site. Dial-in. Set up a Webex. Delegate the Webex setup and then check the printer. My 12 copies are double-sided. Ugh, the client hates double-sided. I hate double-sided. Sorry, Al Gore, I just killed a small tree. Send another 12 copies through, select the correct printer and make sure it’s one-sided.

Test the display for the demo. Conference room is booked. I had it for the whole day. Leadership needed it. Leadership took it. Another room needed.

Backup conference room. Grab the HDMI cable. My computer connection is VGA. No HDMI hookup. My computer weighs 10 pounds. When I get a new computer they will put my old one in a museum next to a typewriter. Need a dongle. Not a dongle, an adaptor. Pull up the presentation and demo while I run to the printer. Sweet, right printer, 12 copies, single sided and it’s the previous version that contains one misspelled word. Another tree bites the dust. Mother Nature is going to kick my ass.

I know it's a little dated but it just might work.
Run through the presentation for speaker’s notes and transitions. Hold that thought, leadership entered the room. They want slide 7 to now be slide 2 and slide 3 to be slide 8. Sure, no problem. Plenty of…wow, look at the time. We’ll make those changes then I’ll cross my fingers, do my ‘no whammies’ print dance and send the latest version to the printer. What is that smell may I ask? Oh, you ordered kabobs. Awesome.  It smells….great? Bye-bye leadership. We will keep your ideas but please take the kabob funk with you.

Webex is setup. Update Webex info in meeting maker. Check the latest version of the presentation before sending out. Fingers crossed. Correct printer, 12 copies, single sided, latest version. One more time. Correct printer, 12 copies, single sided, latest version. Fifteenth time is a charm. Like a boss.

Okay, let’s run through the slides. Uh-oh, we are arguing about the image on the first page. Sensing panic. Relax. Reassure everyone that WE ARE NOT CHANGING THE IMAGE. No way in hell. I have single-handedly reinvigorated the logging industry with all the printouts I laid to rest today. Shut-up. Next slide. Shut-up. Next slide. Shut-up. Next slide. Good. Slides look awesome.

To the main conference room. Pass by the front desk. Let them know we are taking over. Client is at the front desk. That can’t be right. Meeting is in....meeting is now. They’re here. Time doesn’t even matter anymore. It is a continuum of hurried moments.

My watch is broke. I'm racking my brain here. When's our meeting again?
Quick, to the conference room. Colleague to use stall tactics on client. Restrooms are down the hall, water is here, coffee is there, blah blah blah.

The conference room. The smell. A waft of kabob-apalooza. It smells like the lovechild of special house seasoning and irritable bowel syndrome. Get the fan. Put it in the corner. Set it to high. Crank the A/C. Get these trashcans out of here. Put the trashcans in trashcans. Air this out. Spray Lysol until my index finger cramps. Lemon fresh. Amen.

We were told to wear these before entering the conference room.
Send out the presentation. Three versions: PPT w/ notes, PPT w/o notes and PDF version w/o notes. Attach PDF to meeting maker. Send. Connectivity. Only HDMI here. Get the adapter from the other conference room. Hook it up. Check. Screen looks good. IM co-worker to log into Webex. They can see the screen. Check. Client is entering the room with an empty bladder and a full cup of water. Check. Distribute hard-copies of presentation. Check.

“Thank you so much for joining us today. We appreciate you taking the time to meet us in person. We would like to go over….”

Plenty of time. I don’t know what I was so worried about.

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