Friday, October 23, 2015

Visionary Evasion

Innovation is the pipeline to new work. Visionaries use innovation to transcend day-to-day business operations. It allows them to capture a glimpse of what can be done if we dare to imagine. Visionaries push beyond an inbox. They harness their brainpower and pioneer into new intellectual territories of their respective fields. However, when it comes to real work, visionaries are useless as a screen door on a submarine. They evade the day-to-day work because they don’t understand it in the first place. A visionary double downs on this lack of everyday knowledge by requesting a brainstorming session.

It's a little clunky for a prototype. But give me 30 years and I think I have something.

A visionary’s “vision” often originates from an amalgamation of their subordinates’ ideas. Being a leader has its benefits. One of the benefits is co-opting a respective team’s intelligentsia and packaging it as their own. “Everyone get together and brainstorm.” is a euphemism for, “Let me cherry-pick the best ideas and put my name on it.” Meanwhile, in business land, deliverables are piling up and deadlines are fast approaching.

You are full of ideas today. Tell me more.
Those doing actual work are the lifeblood of the project. The contract survives on their activity. Current performance is a strong indicator of future wins. The client depends on the deliverables promised. Visionaries piggy back off this sweat equity to take a leap of business faith into the future. It is necessary. It is the nature of business. Innovate or perish. But sometimes it is relied on so heavily that the current engine running on the ground floor is dismissed for a blueprint in the executive’s office.

Not trying to be a wet blanket but these plans seem like an awful idea.
The visionary pulls a Chauncey Gardiner by presenting the malleable blueprint. An unformed blueprint hijacked from the collective brainpower of lower level employees. With style and panache, the visionary completes a tight wire act. The laconic delivery is misinterpreted as wisdom when in fact is used for disguising an impostor. The client is both charmed and convinced of the idea. It goes off without a hitch.  It should make my blood boil, but it takes guts for the visionary to put themselves out there. It also holds the promise of future work. Day to day work. My work. Meh, job security.

Business is a state of mind.

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