Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Post Vacation Depression Disorder

I'm back from my 4th of July vacation and some of my predictions were correct. The Big Dog outlet store had the gravitational pull of Jupiter for white people over 300 pounds and the beaches were ridiculously crowded. One unexpected event was witnessing Guatemalapalooza when forty Latinos set up a compound next to me on the beach which included four tents, three tables, fifteen chairs, five blankets, and a partridge in a pear tree. You haven't lived until you've heard Gloria Gaynor's "I will survive" sung by a man en Espanol. And you know what, I had a great time because I wasn't at work.

Making the drive home today I began to suffer from Post Vacation Depression Disorder (PVDD). This disorder is often referred to as "F*ck, I have to go to work tomorrow" and affects a large majority of the American workforce.

Symptoms include:
  • Heavy sighing
  • Temptations to liquidate 401K
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Yelling "F*ck, I have to go to work tomorrow"
  • Uncontrollable flatulence.

If you begin to experience any of these symptoms towards the end of your vacation and/or on Sunday evenings please begin looking for a new job immediately. This will not cure PVDD but it will surpress your symptoms for approximately six months. Never underestimate the power of denial and never underestimate your weakness to use it. Once you find a new job, the symptoms will resurface with a vengeance whereby you start over. Wash, rinse, repeat. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to post my resume.


Anonymous said...

I'm going through this right now.

Kris said...

Ha! I had that syndrome too (see the link)! But I called it VIOF. I think I like your acronym better.

Anonymous said...

I have it now after coming back from 9 days of freedom to the same mind-numbing 14-hour days.

Thanks for the excellent writing and laughs though...this is one of the better blogs I've seen.

FYI...more fagots for your fire:

Canale Creations Blog Spot said...

I absolutely agree! I actually started doing my resume BEFORE I left and reconfirmed this while on vacation and now that I'm back... I HO, I HO it's JOB searching I GO!!!

johni said...

Yes I am also searching a job. After vacation I come back to my hometown. And I searching my professional job. In vacation I enjoy and some bad moments is happen. So I can't remember this once again. Thanks.
Dual Diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

At first, I couldnt get out of bed and then when I finally got the energy to stay awake during the daylight hours, I can't stop drinking. Pretty pathetic, huh? I told myself I wasn't allowed to take vacation ever again and I'm hoping these feelings go away soon. I came back with the feeling that Ive been leading someone else's life for years and didn't know it until now. Now Im not sure what to do here, I forget why it is that I tried so hard to make this life for myself to begin with.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

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